IT System Support
Our support service offers to our Customers the maintenance and hands-on support regarding any hardware and/or software need, regardless of Operative Systems or hardware platforms.
The Company’s resources nowadays absorbed by the IT infrastructure, the necessary up-time reliability and efficiency of the structure are tremendously increasing.
It’s a matter of fact that a significant part of the costs needed to provide any product/service and maintain high quality standards, derive from the Information System infrastructure.
That’s why Nextar’s competitive offer can fit these specific needs:
• Verify and assessment of the procedures for the Backup of all business data;
• Check-up of the Security policies;
• Operating systems update assessment and maintenance;
• Installation/configuration of data networks, Client/Server or Cloud systems;
• Development of customized software solutions.
Nextar services can be provided:
• On site (by the Customer headquarters or in different locations);
• As remote assistance.