IT Consulting
IT Consulting” is the division where professionals with experience in the IT and management support our Clients in the project building, implementation, development and consolidation of the company’s IT system, ranging from the initial design to its operational use, considering the scenario in 360 degrees.
To be more specific, we deal with design and deployment of IT functional models, that support the Company marketing and operations activities: Nextar professionals take extra care in fully integrating our activities with existing systems and services, providing more flexible and efficient products and solutions.
IT consultancy is suitable for Companies that are planning to introduce a brand new IT solution or are managing a shift to specific applications or projects and therefore need to develop innovative software or arrange new computer infrastructures.
Nextar provides companies lacking of specific skills, enabling them to take full advantage of a wide range of activities like:
- Assistance/maintenance of peripherals, devices or systems.
- Implementation analysis of innovative solutions supporting the business.
- Customized solutions development.
- Evolutive re-engineering of key business processes.
The various solutions and services – directly managed by Nextar – allow the Client to get rid of all Management complexity, maintenance processes and enterprise IT support; Nextar will take care of integrating its activity in the most efficient mix of existing systems and services, thanks to more flexible and efficient products.